Show HN: Make 3D art in your browser using Lisp and math Bauble is a toy that I've been working on for a few weeks, and I think it's reached the point where other people could have fun with it! Bauble is based on raymarching signed distance functions, which are kind of like... 3D vector art? They're pretty common in the procedural art community and you can do some amazing things with them, but normally writing SDFs means writing low-level shader code. I wanted to play with SDFs, but I found it very frustrating to translate "I want to rotate this" into "okay, that means I have to construct a rotation matrix, and then apply it to the current point, and then evaluate the shape...". So I made a high-level Janet DSL that compiles down to GLSL shader code so I could more easily play with mathematically defined shapes. For more about SDFs, this mind-blowing video is what got me interested in the first place, and shows you what they're capable of in the hands of an expert: September 6, 2022 at 08:41AM